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2003-08-13 - 12:19 p.m.

Dear Tiggi,

Wow WHAT a DAY. I spent it mostly cleaning my kitchen. I have a bay window and a lot of colored glass so when the sun catches the glass it sparkles, but any ways what a pain in the butt to clean. I am sure most of you house cleaners know what I am talking about. As if being a wife, mother, and of course home coordinator/ shopper etc isn�t enough I am chief in charge of environmental cleanup as well. You know what I am talking about truly toxic clean up. Mopping floors, cleaning windows, lent traps, laundry, bathroom toilets, uh my personal favorites specially after you have had a party or two (Yuk). Most recently my daughters room as well. Boy have I been trying to get her to clean it up for well lets see its been nearly two years we�ve been in our new home so � Ok 2years. I finally broke and had to do it myself. Even if sometimes it seems like my family doesn�t appreciate the fact that I do like to clean every once in a while it is still a wonderful sense of accomplishment to live in a clean home. It is truly hard to run a household. Women don�t get enough recognition for this. So much is expected when you are a wife and mother. Most of the time its about everyone else�s needs before your own. Even if it doesn�t seem that way. Even if you may seem to be the one controlling and getting everything its still hard. Always having to have the right answers the best advice with the best intentions for your family and loved ones can be rightfully exhausting. But surly women don�t get enough recognition we are just expected to do the job just because we were born women. Has anyone every seen the amount of women that are in child support court. The majority of them are women seeking money from the sperm donors that impregnated them. What is wrong with this picture? If I was to leave my child with my husband that would be considered abandonment and I am sure I would suffer the worst punishable sentence by the law. Why because I am a women. So if it were my husband that abandoned us then he would just have to pay child support and his legal duty is over. Then after mom has raised the children said children get curious about their biological sperm donor. Then said children go to find bio-sperm donor and they meet and guess what? Bio sperm donor is the best thing since sliced bread. They are the best parent; they understand the things that you don�t. Well ladies don�t tear yourselves up too much. Of course bio-sperm donor is the daddy in shinning armor. He didn�t have to be there when you had to ground the little loved ones or when you had to tell them they couldn�t go on a trip with their friends or buy that extra special prom dress or what ever because you couldn�t make ends meet. The feeling is short lived. Once the honeymoon period is over reality will set in. It�s hurtful in the beginning but just remember one thing. MOM POWER! There is a reason that women are the ones rearing the family, truthfully were SMARTER. You have to be to run a successful household. Not just any man can do it. SO CHEERS TO ALL THE MOMS AND HOME MAKERS OUT THERE.


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